
Anthroposophical medical research is intended to further the knowledge base and clinical practice of all fields of medicine

Anthroposophic medical research is an area of high research activity, assessing efficacy, effectiveness, safety, and costs of interventions, analysing active ingredients and physiological, biochemical, cellular or genetic effects of individual interventions, exploring basic concepts, anthropological dimensions and the historical background, and investigating patients’ and health care providers’ perspectives or new innovative areas.

Research is done in many institutions worldwide and uses well established methodologies, following general guidelines, or developing methodologies.

The Goetheanum, the seat of the General Anthroposophic Society, informs on trainings and has a regularly updated repository of research on Anthroposophic Medicine in its Medical Section. is a comprehensive research portal where the latest in Anthroposophic Medicine studies are available, in both English and German

The latest news on anthroposophic medical research